IDD 410410

Thursday, September 28, 2006

QU Branches Mission Statement

Quinnipiac Branches is the Campus Catholic Community, which provides the campus with masses, prayer times, and helps out the community with volunteer work. Quinnipiac Branches wants to reach out to alumni, incoming students, and currents students. The site will have a simple design in order to provide the viewer with more information. The home page will have main events, photos, and other important information. The site will be easily navigated to find what the user is looking for.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ch. 2

- The way you design the orginization of your site allows your audience to understand what they can excpect to find, and an overall picture of your site's main point.
- Categories make finding information easier, divide info into smaller sections, emphasize similarities, point out differences, and provide paths of information.
- It may be good to not use organization some times, therefore while customers are sorting through information they may come across other interesting information.
- Dividing information into portions can help the user get the answers needed with out having to go through large amounts of information.
- Labels can be based on topics, user tasks, a sitewide metaphor, specific audiences, or a linear sequence. The most self explanitory labels are the ones used in most web site (Jobs, Products, About Us...).
- You need to keep your site consistent with itself, and you also need to consider the rest of the web. Users transfer their knowledge of the web from one site to another.
- The most important navigation elements are the site identifier, orginizational catigories, contact info, and global utilities. These elements should be shown on every page to provide consistency.
- In order to save space on a website, a drop down menu could be used for navigation. This keeps info and nav hidden until being used.
- Breadcrumbs show the path from the home page to your current location.
- Unique images can be used to make websites unique, these are called web marks. They can serve as visual cues that can let you know if your on the right track.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mission Statement

My persnal website is going to show my interests, hobbies, and some of my designs. This site is going to be used to promote my designs, and show my personality. The audience of my web page would be friends, family, and IDD students who are interested in seeing another students work.

Ch. 1

-In a website the information can't just be thrown on a poage, it has to be thought out and organized.
-All non verbal cues nust be taken into consideration for the contentr of a page
-The cues of a Web page are: image, text, interaction, orginization, motion, and sound.
-Each Web page has a message, either that is intended or not intended. The messages is comunicated through the cues. Web pages have to be communicated effectively, and must be usable and understandable.
-In order to create a web page for a client, you need to know a lot about the company and ask a lot of questions in order to be able to portray what the public will want from the web page.
-Although the client you are designing for is paying for the sight, it is most important to give the audience what they want because they are the ones who will be looking at it and poccible customers.
-Preplanning is the most important part of web design
-Understanding your audience is important aslwell, because it will determine the important content for your web page.
-Using scenerios is a good way to relate to target audiences. An understanding of the audiencesneeds should form the basis for your Web site's content.
-When designing it is always good to look back to yoiur mission statement in order to make sure that you are still focusing on the goals of the client and audience.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The visual aspect is the most important part of the design because it communicates the point reasonably, convincingly, and quickly.

The visual presentation of web pages is frequently overlooked due to the attention given to the technological guidelines.

The web is used for communication, which is talking to you visually. What you see on the web page communicates what you will learn in the site.

Website usability are communication issues. An easy to use site is sites that communicate effectively.

Visual presentation of a web page isn’t just used to make websites attractive, it is used to communicate, organize and inform.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

  • Maturity doesn't come quickly. The web has been around for 10 years and still is not to it's full maturity. The first stage of the evolution of the web was spoken in html, and other languages that needed to be learned but still was helpful.
  • The Image/Table era, this included the ability to view and include imaes on web pages. The rest of the world can now communicate with the web.
  • The Design Intro Era, this is when graphic designers were being hired to make web sites for businesses. The websites were not interactive or organized, had good designs, but lacked in navigation, behavior, and structure.
  • The Techno-Hype Era, Designers and their clients looked for new ways to stand out from other websites. Technology helped by being able to embed applications, add-ons, and new web browsers. Less attention was paid to content due to the design of the sites.
  • The Usability Era, because of frustrated users who got confused by all the needless glitz, web sitesbegan focusing on clarity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Followed guidlines to make usability easier.