IDD 410410

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ch. 5

-Communication between people is filtered through personality. Your personality determines how you react and how others react to you. It is how people remember and define you.
-Other terms that refer to the idea of personality are loo and feel, tone and manner, attitude, narrative voice, emotional impact, particular flavor, and unique identity.
-Personality is most quickly communicated through the visual design of a site.
-The personality of a site comes through almost instantly, thereforeyou have to be sure of the message you want to send across.
-All concepts like colors, typeface, imagery, and ideas to mind create a unique look and feel of the site.
-A well designed personality tells the right story, provides distinction, appeals to and engages your audience, and unuifies your site.
-When good information is given a poor presentation, its value may not be appreciated.
-On the web, your site often is your product. Therefore your branding the design, quality, and performance of your product is really your site's personality.
-The personality of your site allows you to get teh correct message to yur audience quicly and efficiently. You have to be sure the story your telling your audience is right for you and right for the audience.
-Presenting your site in an appropriate tone and manner requires some initial decision-making and an nderstanding of how the components of your site contribute to its look and feel. How color, type, visual elements, and interaction can establish an attitude.


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