IDD 410410

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ch. 3
- Technical details are very important while creating a website. They are needed to have the site working properly and meeting the expectations of the audiencs. These details include responding promptly, unifying the web, following links, assembling the page, and being accessible.
- In order for Web sites to run efficiently the sizes of the files can't be too big. There are many ways to do this such as optomizing our code to include just the necessary components, reusing images, using external style sheets, using external script files, optimizing images, and reducing the physical size of the images.
- In order to provide pages that cater to audiences short attention spans, you can design scannable pages. These are pages that are easily figured out by a quic scan of the page, the point is easily read. This is done by dividing info into smaller sections, and by specificaly using visual hierarchy (bringing the most focus to the most important information).
- There are a few ways to brea up the unified web model. These ways are disabling Web browser navigation tools, introducing nonstandard web interactions, overriding link cues, incorrectly using web conventions.
- Each Web Site needs to focus on maing sure browsing is consistent throughout the web. Frequently used navigation features for web browsers are the bac button, boomars, the history menu, and the location bar.


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