IDD 410410

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ch. 6
-The most common web page elements are page footers, body text, links, navigation, images, site ids, forms. The least common are videos, embedded programs.
-Each fundamental element has its role within a web page and in the context of the entire web.
-The footer fulfills the same role from site to site, it looks the same frfom site to site.
-After encountering several footers, viewers not only know what type of information they can expect when they see a footer, but they also have a good idea of where thay need that type of inforamtion.
-Site elements can reinforce the personality of a site. Sites heavy on navigation tend to be information rich and need multiple navigation options to get their audience to the content they seek.
-The visual presentation of site elements can also reinforce a sitewide personality. Common visual characteristics, such as color or type between page elements can help unify a layout.
-Navigation systems are at their best when they explain the structure of the website, provide an inication of where you are within that structure, and do not physically or visually overwhelm a page.
-Visually organizing navigation choices not only tells your audience what types of behavior they can expect from each of their selections, it also helps to seperate navigation from the rest of the page and explain the distinctions between different navigation options.
-The basic role of navigation is to get you to your destination and then quietly slip into the background so that you can do your work.
-Body text lays claim to lots of visual weight on the merits on size alone. Body text with lots of visual weight is good news because we want the content of our web pages to be near the top of our pages visual hierarchy.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ch. 5

-Communication between people is filtered through personality. Your personality determines how you react and how others react to you. It is how people remember and define you.
-Other terms that refer to the idea of personality are loo and feel, tone and manner, attitude, narrative voice, emotional impact, particular flavor, and unique identity.
-Personality is most quickly communicated through the visual design of a site.
-The personality of a site comes through almost instantly, thereforeyou have to be sure of the message you want to send across.
-All concepts like colors, typeface, imagery, and ideas to mind create a unique look and feel of the site.
-A well designed personality tells the right story, provides distinction, appeals to and engages your audience, and unuifies your site.
-When good information is given a poor presentation, its value may not be appreciated.
-On the web, your site often is your product. Therefore your branding the design, quality, and performance of your product is really your site's personality.
-The personality of your site allows you to get teh correct message to yur audience quicly and efficiently. You have to be sure the story your telling your audience is right for you and right for the audience.
-Presenting your site in an appropriate tone and manner requires some initial decision-making and an nderstanding of how the components of your site contribute to its look and feel. How color, type, visual elements, and interaction can establish an attitude.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Campus Compact Mission Statement

Connecticut Campus Compact is an orginization that has come together to broaden education for students and assisting in community service. The Web Design will be simple, clean, and use the main color scheme as the main Campus Compact page. I will put the main news and events on the first page, and inclued all excess information on the following pages.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Ch. 4

- We need to be aware of how we understand what we see in order to organize information. We begin by recongizing similarites and differences between things, which we group into meaningful catrgories. As a result of this orginization we can quickly glance at information and quickly be drawn to the different groups of information due the groupings.
- These individual elements relate to the whole also. When we relize the relationships between things, we make sense of the whole picture, and unify all the information. The grouping of related elements to establish an informative structure is the essence of visual orginization.
- There are different ways to organize information. Proximity, similarity, continuance, and closure all determine how viewers grou information in a visual presentation.
- We can create visual similarities and differences between objects through the use of color, texture, shape, direction, and size. Visual relationships are the fundamental basis for all systems of visual prginization.
- A visual hierarchy creates a center of interest that attracts the viewer's attention, and creates order and balance. This ordering helps you distinguish which information is most important and least important by the contrast, size, or font.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mission Statement: Atlantic Freedom Tour

The Atlantic Freedom Tour is a voyage on the Amistad that will visit all the significant ports that reflect the events in the history of the Amistad. This site is going to be used as a web classroom for students, a historical site telling about the history of the Amistad, and a form of communication with the friends and family of the crew. The site will be easily navigated with a map of the trip as the main image. It will also give information about the voyage such as exact locations, current weather conditions, photos, and blogs form the crew and students on the ship.

Ch. 3
- Technical details are very important while creating a website. They are needed to have the site working properly and meeting the expectations of the audiencs. These details include responding promptly, unifying the web, following links, assembling the page, and being accessible.
- In order for Web sites to run efficiently the sizes of the files can't be too big. There are many ways to do this such as optomizing our code to include just the necessary components, reusing images, using external style sheets, using external script files, optimizing images, and reducing the physical size of the images.
- In order to provide pages that cater to audiences short attention spans, you can design scannable pages. These are pages that are easily figured out by a quic scan of the page, the point is easily read. This is done by dividing info into smaller sections, and by specificaly using visual hierarchy (bringing the most focus to the most important information).
- There are a few ways to brea up the unified web model. These ways are disabling Web browser navigation tools, introducing nonstandard web interactions, overriding link cues, incorrectly using web conventions.
- Each Web Site needs to focus on maing sure browsing is consistent throughout the web. Frequently used navigation features for web browsers are the bac button, boomars, the history menu, and the location bar.