IDD 410410

Thursday, November 09, 2006

ch. 8

1. Dynamic content and Web applications emerged as solutions to the difficulties faced by many Web companies. It quickly became aparent that static HTML pages were only effective to a certian point.
2. With dynamic content publishing, the need to understand the web environment is removed and up-to-date content can be automatically distributed to an entire site by just about anyone.
3. With dynamic content publishing, it's also possible to get closer to one of the original goals of the World wide web: the seperation of content and formatting.
4. Designers used headers and tables to create effective layouts, not content distinctions. Additional tags were added by browser vendors, such as font to meet the presentation needs of corporations and individuals.
5. Publishing content dynamically has added benefit of customization.
6. Not only are advirtisers offering less for ad space, but the difficulties with directly changing your audience for content are not easily remidied.
7. Careful initial thought to how and where content can be applied within your site should always precede any dynamic publishing development efforts.
8. The basic principle behind many forms of dynamic publishing is that data sits in one location and the means for displaying it sits in another.
9. When accommodating for browser variables, you only really have to consider two groups of two: prevision 4.0 browsers by both Netscape and Microsoft, and the differences between Netscape Navigator and MIcrosoft Internet Explorer.
10. A common practice when presenting web applications is making use of a new window without browser tools. Though this practice is not good for the most web pages, it is recommended for web applications.

Connecticut Campus Compact

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ch. 7

-The home page should have an introduction, which describes the site and establises identity, an entrance which ia an entry to the content and explain's what inside, and an announcement which shows what's new, encourages revising, and highlights content.
-Things to avoid in your site in order for it to be easier and faster for the audience to understand are most intro movies, animated logos, very large images, and splash pages.
-Your homepage needs to introduce visitors to your orginization and what makes you unique. You also need to consider the kind of personality your audience expects.
-One of the most important aspects of technological usability to consider when develping your home page is download time. Hving a homepage that loads quickly is important to keeep a majority of web users.
- Visual contrast can make a home page element stand out from the rest of the page. They can sla be used to keep an element subdued so that it does not interfere witht the rest of the page's content. Your audience's needs should determine how much visual weight each element should have.